Saturday, November 5, 2011

Which Witch are You?

We had a really Relief Society activity the other night!  It was titled "Which Witch are You?"  We talked and discussed ways to be better wives and have more patience.  We also read out of the new book "Daughters in My Kingdom".  We had yummy treats and made the easiest and cutest pumpkins!  It was a really great and fun time.  Great job Girls!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Service Project

We had a Ward Service project in Lewiston last Saturday the 27th.  We landscaped an elderly lady's yard around her new home. 
The turnout was good and everyone worked really hard.  The whole project took a little over four hours to complete.  Realistically we probably had around 300 man hours into the project.
Those that were able to come and participate should be proud and satisfied with their hard work and accomplishment!

Here are a few pictures that were taken.  I tried to get everyone but I know I missed a few.  I didn't get any pictures of the girls back at the Bishops house that were with their children. (you all were great to just come and hang out and support) I also missed a few people that came a little later.

The beginning!

Tons of weeds to mow and spray. 
The ground was really hard and we had to fill in a trench left by Qwest. 

A look at what we were putting into the yard.

Gotta get a picture of the Bishop.  If it can't be done with a tractor it might not get done!
A lot of sweat and muscle went into it also.  I think we had a few with some slight heat exhaustion.  The day was SO hot, but we tried to keep everyone hydrated.

Smooth out the top soil to get ready for grass seed.
Digging more weeds!

Finally we get to start planting.

We built the pergola as well!  Jordan brought his saw and thankfully no one cut their finger off.

More tractor work.  We borrowed a small tractor with a tiller on it from a friend in our home ward. We also borrowed the weed mower from another friend.  Everyone was so willing to give and help.

Spreading top soil.

Spraying the weeds.

Finished product!  I also wanted to get everyone that came into the final picture but after eating, everyone went home.  Sorry I wasn't quicker with the camera.  Ah regrets, someday I'll get it right!

We finished the project with some good food, steak, chicken, corn on the cob, fruit, salads and dessert!  Thanks again to everyone for your hard work and support!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Stake softball is over but University 6th Ward has made it to the region tournament!  We made it through the season with only a couple of losses (one was a forfeit), no injuries (except maybe the Bishop), and we were good sports all along.  We start region play this week on Wednesday, 6:00 and 8:00 PM at Lundstrom park. We will be playing against the singles Wards so we need everyone to come and support us.  It should be fun.

Our Ward was in charge of the dinner for our last week of Stake softball.  If there was a prize for best food, we won it hands down!  We had great comments from our patrons and no one went home hungry.  Special thanks to Corey and Kimberly for all the cooking!  Corey said he wanted to "knock their socks off" and I think we did.  Thanks also to all who came and helped set up, serve and clean up.  It was a big undertaking but also fun and satisfying.  We really have the best Ward!

Time to catch up!

A lot has happened in our little Ward this past month.  I'll try to bring us up to date.

The second Sunday in July we got to know Tyler and Katie Shumway better.  They spoke in Sacrament meeting and did a fantastic job!  Kyle Feuz also spoke to us.  The Feuz's are moving soon so we wanted to hear from them.

The third Sunday in July we were blessed to hear from the Harville's.  Brother Beckstrand was our high council speaker.  The Harvilles' were also sustained as MSA reps from our Ward.

The fourth Sunday, somehow, things became a little confused and we found we didn't have any speakers for our Sacrament meeting.  Jordan Allen and Jake Hardy were very gracious about filling in and they did a great job!  We also got to hear from Shara Feuz.  We are really going to miss the Feuz family!  The Blackwells are also moving on and we want to with them good luck with school and their move.

The fifth Sunday we had a combined Priesthood/Relief Society with the 57th Ward.  We had a meeting about personal finances.  It was excellent!  We were told some simple but smart ways to take care of our finances.  In Sacrament meeting we got to hear from the Perschons and get to know them a little better.  It is so nice that everyone is so willing to participate and help out!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Softball this week

Softball was a success this week.  We had many of you come and we had enough girls as well.  The food again was good and our Stake President was our umpire for the game.

It was good to have Brian and Karina here.  After a few times at bat, the other Ward was wise to Karinas' abilities and backed up a bit.
Ben on his way to second. 
Xax must be batting since Andy is pitching.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunday, July 3

Fast meeting this week.  The Durochers blessed their baby and we had a very uplifting testimony meeting.  Julia Blackwell was released as the Relief Society Activity leader and Karina Henderson was sustained into that same calling.  Katie Shumway was sustained as a Visiting Teacher Supervisor.  This was Mark and Jess Andersons last week with us and we will really miss them but want to wish them the very best with their move and new job!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Softball, June 30

We barely had enough players to squeak out a game this week for softball.  It was fun as always, we were well fed and we now have pictures!  If I missed anyone, don't worry, I'll get you next time. We have another game Thursday night so we'll see, hopefully, more of you there.